Thursday, February 24, 2011

My first spring notification

Here is my beautiful helebore - it always surprises me because of it's early beauty!! Because of the cold and snow and really cold temps due at night (although it got this far without my help), I moved it to the front porch from the north side of the house - it's in a big pot because I wanted to bring it with me from the old house.
Here is another small being waiting for spring:
This picture was taken yesterday before the big snowfall.                  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Garden Consultation

Peaceful Gardeners bloggers - it has come to our attention that maybe perhaps we should have a real live meeting before spring. At least two of us would like to get as many of us together as possible to talk about spring, that wonderful gift of warmer weather for planning and planting and taking care of the garden. Any thoughts or suggestions?