Monday, November 22, 2010

Summer is GONE!!

Well, with the snow outside, I suppose I should quit being in denial that the garden is done for the year. Saturday night my dahlias bit it hard, they are crispy brown and pretty ugly. I just hope the snow is a sufficient blanket to insulate the tubers. I didn't have time to dig or throw some leaves or something on them yet. Luckily I cut the last good blooms on Saturday afternoon to be able to take one more bouquet to church. The Karma Choc dahlia lasted the longest and best, with the plant that kept its largest flowers at the end. Don't know if I posted a picture of it yet but here it is. Some of my other dahlias flowers kept getting smaller as the colder weather crept up.
Also I was surprised to see a couple new dahlias (I got some "potluck" tubers from the friend of Roger's). Here they are too: a beautiful medium orange with red streaks in the petals and a multicolored orange one I believe is called Candlelight. I took these pictures back when I was happy there would be a few more warmish days and nights - Sept and Oct.

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