Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rain and weeds

I guess this will be a cool weather veggie year. So far at least, my sugar peas are so happy, they are tendrilling all over the place. I would like to give them some strings even though they are bush peas - just so they feel all comfy and start producing blossoms and pea pods soon thereafter! It is raining so much at my house that the weeds I pulled and just let lay, assuming they would die and add to the nutrition of the soil under them, are surviving and getting bigger!!! Even though their roots are totally out of the ground! Sheesh!
Another obnoxious weed that I have been pulling is the ever lovely (not) quack grass! Hate it! I am so paranoid that my compost pile won't be hot enough to kill the roots of these that I am instead tossing them in my garbage can. Their roots are so strong I don't trust them at all!! Does anyone have any advice about quack grass? Or wild morning glories? We have a million of those too.
I planted the Black Russian tomato that Dixie had extra of, and a few that I purchased down at the fruit and veggie stand on the Maple Valley highway. Need heat for all these to thrive. Some dahlias I planted are looking a little yellow from no sun too. Pray for sun, not too hot though - kinda demanding aren't I?

1 comment:

  1. I saw a couple blossoms on my sugar peas yesterday- woo hoo!
