Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Veggie seeds

So, where is the sun? The weekend was wonderful but so busy with other things that the garden had to wait. And then, and then . . . the sun took a vacation I guess. Oh, well. It will be back.
I will post pix soon, maybe later today, of our new deer fence around the veggie boxes we built last year. So far planted in there is bush peas, red and green cabbage, broccoli raab, spinach, onion sets and beets. Sheila came over a couple weeks ago and helped plant the beet seeds and they are very tiny, but up! She loves pickled beets so we are going to try to grow enough to do that by the end of the season. Doris Mech gave me some giant beet seeds to try, she said they could get 3 inches across or more and still be tender and nice to eat. The grand experiment of the year. We planted two kinds of yellow beets, one I hadn't tried before, and 4 different varieties of red beets.
more later, my friends!!

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