Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring is Here! 

It has been along time since I have posted.  I am a little behind in my garden prep.  Verdelle brought me 3 raspberry plants last week.  Now I need to get out to the garden and clean up the new spot for the raspberries.  I am making a few changes to the garden area this year.  I, with the help of Marty, have made the pumpkin patch larger.  I am planting corn this year - but it will not be for eating, it will be for the corn stocks.  I am giving up on corn.  I can stop by Carpinitos during corn season and get fresh picked good sweet corn every day.  I'm trying to concentrate on things that work well in my garden.  Also this year,  I would like to do some canning.  I make about 12 to 18 jars of raspberry jam every year and have decided that I would like to try canning pears, tomatoes, jalapenos and maybe garlic.  It sounds pretty ambitious, we''ll see how much I can get done.  My tulips are just about to bloom.  I took pictures today,  I'll try and get those posted and also  more when they bloom.  This week I hope to get some lettuce seeds started and out in the green house.   It is Easter this weekend.  God Bless all of you. 
He Is Risen . . .  He is Risen Indeed!

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