Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Is In The Air

The days are getting longer and slightly warmer.  It looks to be a decent spring.  I have not posted here in 2 years.  So I thought it was time to get BUSY.   I am going to change up my garden a bit this year.  Things I need to do in April are:

1.  Get lettuce started and in the greenhouse.  I have a warming mat and plan on buying a grow light within the next week.
2.  Turn the soil and get the snow peas in. (its alittle late but what the heck)
3.  Find a permanent spot for the raspberries and get them situated.
4.  Prep the soil for the pumpkin patch.

That's a good start.   My Tulips are up and about to bloom.  I will post pictures as soon as they have bloomed. I will also include some pictures of the garden area, when I get it turned and the soil prepped. 

Something new this year is I am looking into canning some veggies this year.  I am thinking of doing tomatos, jalepenos, garlic and pears.  I may take a trip to Eastern WA to get some of these items, since the growing season here is always a crap shoot.

Let me know what you are up to in the garden!


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